The 100% owned Ruby Hill property is host to a producing open pit mine and multiple deposits that contain substantial gold and silver resources, and potential for significant base metal mineralization. Processing infrastructure at Ruby Hill includes an gold oxide processing plant, leach pad & CIC circuit.  The Company will be advancing permitting for an underground mine to be constructed from the current pit and mineralization is expected to be trucked to the Lone Tree Complex for processing. A major drill campaign will be carried out in 2023 following which Technical Studies will be completed.




100% i-80 Gold Corp


Battle Mountain Trend – Northern Nevada



Advanced exploration

Active heap leach pad



1,200 KT @ 5.22 G/T AU FOR 202 KOZS and 0.6 G/T AG FOR 22 KOZS (UG)

220,800 KT @ 0.54 G/T AU FOR 3,662 KOZS and 14.4 G/T AG FOR 102,395 KOZS (OP)


8,210 KT @ 6.02 G/T AU FOR 1,588 KOZS and 1.7 G/T AG FOR 439 KOZS (UG)

162,700 KT @ 0.39 G/T AU FOR 2,061 KOZS and 14.0 G/T AG FOR 73,471 KOZS (OP)



Advance permitting

Exploration & delineation drill program

Complete initial economic technical reports



Ruby Hill Mineral Resource Estimate, Eureka County, Nevada (October 22, 2021)


The Ruby Hill Mine is located along the southeastern end of the Battle Mountain/Eureka gold trend. The Eureka District exposes a nearly continuous sequence of Cambrian and Ordovician carbonate units with subordinate shale and quartz sandstone. Polymetallic base metal deposits of Cretaceous age are located throughout the district and were some of the first deposits mined in the late 1800’s. The district produced 2.0 Mt of ore at 0.8 opt Au, 19.5 opt Ag, and >15% Pb with most production coming from the original Ruby Hill Mine located adjacent to FAD. The FAD deposit is a carbonate replacement deposit (CRD) and an extension of the original Ruby Hill Mine at a depth of approximately 700 metres. Mineralization is composed of massive sulphide sphalerite, argentiferous galena, and pyrite. Approximately 2 km to the north is the Blackjack target, a Cretaceous skarn deposit located on the margin of the Graveyard Flats stock. Mineralization at Blackjack is composed of coarse grained pyrite, sphalerite, and argentiferous-galena. During the 1990’s Homestake Mining Company discovered an oxidized Eocene Carlin-type ore body in the Goodwin Formation, with what would become the Archimedes pit. Later discoveries included the Ruby Deeps deposit characterized by Carlin-type sulphide breccias in the Windfall limestone and Dunderberg Shale. Like other Carlin-type systems gold at Archimedes and Ruby Deeps is located in the rims of arsenian-pyrite around pre-existing pyrite grains and is associated with silicification and decarbonatization. The most recent discovery at Ruby Hill includes the Hilltop zone, immediately south of the Archimedes pit. Hilltop contains massive sulphide CRD mineralization with pyrite, sphalerite, and argentiferous galena.

Title Address Description
GXRW+6M Eureka, NV, USA